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How do I get specific value from all keys in an object and store it in an array?

I'm already struggling for quite some time to extract all the labels from the object in the picture below and then store them in a single array using JavaScript...


i have been trying something like this:

for (let i = 0, len = nav_items.length; i < len; i++) {

But this only prints three different values... I need all the labels in one array together.

The ideal outcome would be an array of:

["Getting started", "Components", "For designers"]

You can create an array and push those values in it

let arr = []
for (let i = 0, len = nav_items.length; i < len; i++) {



["Getting started", "Components", "For designers"]

You can map your array in to an array with only the label values like this:

var onlyLabelsArr = nav_items.map(item => item.label);

will give you:

["Getting started", "Components", "For designers"]

You can get the result using for...of loop also. Result using Array.prototype.map and for...of looop.

 const arr = [ { label: "Getting started" }, { label: "Components" }, { label: "For designers" }, ]; // Using Array.prototype.map const result1 = arr.map(({ label }) => label); console.log(result1); // Using for...of loop const result2 = []; for (let obj of arr) { const { label } = obj; result2.push(label); } console.log(result2);

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