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Why kill -15 does not gracefully kill my Golang gRPC service?

I have used signal handler to handle SIGTERM , SIGINT signals. When grpc server is up and running I issue sudo kill -15 [PID] command and I don't see my graceful shutdown log reports and also I get:

[1]    41983 terminated  go run mypkg/main.go

Now when I use netstat it reports that port number 50051 is open and I cannot run my server as the port number is busy.

What I have done:

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Starting up server on\n", *port)
    server := NewServer(fmt.Sprintf("", *port))
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    go func() {
    // Signal handling and graceful shutdown of gRPC server
    signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(signalChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

server.Stop() function is used to stop the grpc server, grpcServer.GracefulStop() , and log some data. When I issue CTRL+C everything works as expected. Why on sudo kill -15 I this behavior?

As future readers might also have my problem I tried to answer my own question based on user comments.


Don't use go run. Signal forwarding may be unreliable this way. Use go build or go install instead, or at the very least don't kill -15 the go process, but the binary that has been built (probably something in /tmp).


I know we say this 100 times a day, but do not use go run (at least if you don't understand what it's doing). When you ctrl+c from the terminal, it sends signal the the entire process group, which you are not doing with kill.

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