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Python3.6 parallel repeat timer or multiple timer

My code is here.

import threading

def checkMinute(num):
    print('check ' + str(num))
    # other python code....
    threading.Timer(10, checkMinute(num)).start() # repeat until ctrl + c

def TimerStart(num):

if __name__=="__main__":

    t1=threading.Thread(target=TimerStart,args=(10, 1)) # interval is 10 seconds
    t2=threading.Thread(target=TimerStart,args=(10, 2))
    t3=threading.Thread(target=TimerStart,args=(10, 3))
    t1.daemon=True # For stop when ctrl+c

When start it first, waiting 10 second is worked, so after 10 seconds later timer is start.

But second start in checkMinute, it not wait and only num=1 are activated, 2 and 3 are not.

Console log is like this.

check 1 # 00:00:00 -> it not wait 10 second. and only 1 is active.
check 1 # 00:00:00
check 1 # 00:00:00
check 1 # 00:00:00
check 1 # 00:00:00

And finally error occur.

Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow.

Current thread 0x00003a2c (most recent call first):

How do I make sure to keep the wait time when running the second time in checkMinute?

May console log like this.

check 1 # 00:00:00 
check 2 # 00:00:00
check 3 # 00:00:00
check 2 # 00:00:10
check 1 # 00:00:10
check 3 # 00:00:10
check 1 # 00:00:20
check 3 # 00:00:20
check 2 # 00:00:20
check 3 # 00:00:30

Or Is there other way to use a thread and a timer to periodically iterate in parallel?

Or How to use multiple timer?

When you code:


You are specifying as the function to be invoked after 10 seconds the return value from first calling checkMinute(num) , which is None . This should be closer to:

threading.Timer(10, checkMinute, args=(num,)).start()

But you want to first make the above a daemon thread. And there is no need for TimerStart . So try the following:

import threading
import time

def checkMinute(num):
    print('check', num)
    # other python code....

def startTimer(num):
    t = threading.Timer(10, checkMinute, args=(num,))
    t.daemon = True
if __name__== '__main__':
    # or instead of sleeping:
    #input('Hit enter to quit...\n')

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