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Golang slice to json array of name value pairs

I have a slice of the following structs.

type ParamStruct struct {
    Paramname  string
    Paramvalue interface{}

The value can be an int, float of string. I need to convert the slice that looks something like this [{name1 95} {name2 someStrValue} {name3 someOtherStrValue}] to a JSON array that looks like the following.

{ "name1": 1 },
{ "name2": "someStrValue"},
{ "name3": "someOtherStrValue"}

I tried marshaling using the default function and get a JSON output like this..


The output JSON has to be name-value pairs like it is shown above. Any suggestions on how I can get the JSON output in the desired format?

Here is the complete code example

package main

import (

type ParamStruct struct {
    Paramname  string
    Paramvalue interface{}

func main() {
    paramlist1 := make([]ParamStruct, 3)

    paramlist1[0].Paramname = "name1"
    paramlist1[0].Paramvalue = 95
    paramlist1[1].Paramname = "name2"
    paramlist1[1].Paramvalue = "someStrValue"
    paramlist1[2].Paramname = "name3"
    paramlist1[2].Paramvalue = "someOtherStrValue"
    js, err := json.Marshal(paramlist1)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error: %s", err.Error())
    } else {

You could implement the json.Marshaler interface.

For example:

type ParamStruct struct {
    Paramname  string
    Paramvalue interface{}

func (ps ParamStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{ps.Paramname: ps.Paramvalue})


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