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Big Query Join on Closest Date

Hello I'm trying to join two tables in bigquery using two fields, one of them is a date field and the other a currency_code.

Example data:

|sales_id|currency|   date   |value| 
|1234    |GBP     |2020-01-10| 1.50|
|1235    |GBP     |2020-01-15| 1.48|
|1236    |GBP     |2020-01-20| 1.49|
|currency|   date   | rate|
|GBP     |2020-01-10| 0.89|
|GBP     |2020-01-15| 0.89|
|GBP     |2020-01-19| 0.89|

The idea is to get the exchange_rate for a particular date I don't always have all the dates on currency_table so I would like to join on nearest value. How can I achieve this? I tried using CROSS JOIN but the size of the data (5M Rows on sales table) makes it almost impossible to work with. Any ideas?

You can do this using window functions:

with cte as (
      select sales_id, currency, date, value, null as rate
      from sales 
      union all
      select null, currency, date, null, rate
      from currency_table
select sales_id, currency, date, value, imputed_rate
from (select cte.*,
             last_value(rate ignore nulls) over (partition by currency order by date) as imputed_rate
      from t
     ) t
where sales_id is not null;

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