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How do I change a role color using a hex color code argument?

I'm trying to change the color of role using a command with a hex color code argument (the name of role is the name of the user). I tried the following code but the bot does nothing. It has admin permissions and discord.Intents.all()

async def role_color(ctx, arg):
    name = ctx.author.name
    guild_id = ctx.guild.id
    guild = discord.utils.find(lambda g: g.id == guild_id, client.guilds)
    role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name=name)
    await role.edit(color=f"0x{arg}")

As described in Role.edit , you have to pass in an instance of discord.Colour or an int value. This means you have to convert arg . Thankfully, you are expecting arg to be hexcode so we can just convert it to int right away (no need to add "0x").

await role.edit(color=int(arg, 16))

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