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Traversing relative nodes of graph in Python

Thanks in advance. I have a graph built by T-SQL and in the format of JSON. like the bellow:

  • "NodeId" is the Id of node
  • "N" is a related node (id)

How can I traverse all relative (at any level) to the requested nodes of the graph in Python?


The expected result should list of all relative nodes of the requested node in order of level (in any format). One output list like:

Input (node id) << "1":

Output >> ["2", "3", "5", "4", "6"]

You can use a "Depth First Search" or "Breadth First Search".

If you want "Level Order" then set the second parameter depth=False .

from collections import deque

def get_nodes(nodes, start_node, depth=True):
    graph = {}

    for node in nodes:
        graph.setdefault(node['NodeId'], []).append(node['N'])

    seen = set()
    d = deque()


    while d:
        cur_node = d.pop() if depth else d.popleft()

        if cur_node in seen:

        yield cur_node
        d.extend(graph.get(cur_node, []))

nodes = [{"NodeId":"1","N":"2"}, {"NodeId":"1","N":"3"}, {"NodeId":"3","N":"5"}, {"NodeId":"5","N":"6"}, {"NodeId":"2","N":"4"}, {"NodeId":"9","N":"7"}]

Output (directed)

print(list(get_nodes(nodes, '1', True)))
['3', '5', '6', '2', '4']
print(list(get_nodes(nodes, '1', False)))
['2', '3', '4', '5', '6']

If the graph is undirected then add

graph.setdefault(node['N'], []).append(node['NodeId']) to the for loop.

Like so

for node in nodes:
    graph.setdefault(node['NodeId'], []).append(node['N'])
    graph.setdefault(node['N'], []).append(node['NodeId'])

Now the output will look like (undirected)

print(list(get_nodes(nodes, '1', True)))
['3', '5', '6', '1', '2', '4']
print(list(get_nodes(nodes, '1', False)))
['2', '3', '1', '4', '5', '6']

You can use a recursive generator function:

d = [{'NodeId': '1', 'N': '2'}, {'NodeId': '1', 'N': '3'}, {'NodeId': '3', 'N': '5'}, {'NodeId': '5', 'N': '6'}, {'NodeId': '2', 'N': '4'}, {'NodeId': '9', 'N': '7'}]
def get_nodes(n, s = []):
  yield n
  for i in d:
     if i['NodeId'] == n and i['N'] not in s:
        yield from get_nodes(i['N'], s+[n])

_, *result = get_nodes('1')


['2', '4', '3', '5', '6']

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