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Convert list of dicts with dicts as values to ML features

I want to transform the output of Google Vision API facial recognition into a feature set for a ML classifier. For each training instance I get a list of predicted faces which is represented as a list of dictionaries where the values are themselves dictionaries and the values of these 'value dictionaries' are categorical in nature like this:

$ faces[191:197]

[{'face_1': {'joy': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'surprise': 'UNLIKELY',
   'anger': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'sorrow': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'headwear': 'VERY_UNLIKELY'}},
 {'face_1': {'joy': 'VERY_LIKELY',
   'surprise': 'LIKELY',
   'anger': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'sorrow': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'headwear': 'VERY_UNLIKELY'},
  'face_2': {'joy': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'surprise': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'anger': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'sorrow': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'headwear': 'VERY_LIKELY'}},
 {'face_1': {'joy': 'VERY_LIKELY',
   'surprise': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'anger': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'sorrow': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'headwear': 'VERY_UNLIKELY'},
  'face_2': {'joy': 'POSSIBLE',
   'surprise': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'anger': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'sorrow': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
   'headwear': 'VERY_UNLIKELY'}}]

My ambition is to transform this into a ML readable format. I would like to use an encoding that looks like this (n is the maximum number of predicted faces in the entire dataset):

         joy_1  surprise_1 , ...., anger_n    sorrow_n    headwear_n
img_1      1       2       , ....,  0           0            0
img_2      0       0       , ....,  0           0            0
img_3      0       0       , ....,  0           0            0
img_4      5       4       , ....,  0           0            0

I have used sklearn dictVectorizer and labelEncoder for other features that were lists of dicts but those dicts didn't have dicts as values as is the case for this data source.

I don't know of anything that would work out-of-the-box that handles mapping ordinal values ( VERY_UNLIKELY , ..., VERY_LIKELY ) to integers in a user-defined way while also handling possible keys in dictionaries.

Something like the following would probably be easiest here:

# Include `images` list-of-dicts from question

# images = [{'face_1': {'joy': 'VERY_UNLIKELY',
#            ...]

import numpy as np

observations = ["joy", "surprise", "anger", "sorrow", "headwear"]
levels = {
    "UNLIKELY": 1,
    "POSSIBLE": 2,
    "LIKELY": 3,
    "VERY_LIKELY": 4,

N_IMAGES = len(images)
N_OBSERVATIONS = len(observations)


for i, image in enumerate(images):
    for j, face in enumerate(image):
        if not face:
            t = (j * N_OBSERVATIONS)
            e = (j * N_OBSERVATIONS) + N_OBSERVATIONS
            obs_vector = [levels[image[face][obs]] for obs in observations]
            vector[i][t:e] = obs_vector



[[0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [4. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.]
 [4. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]

If there are up to 8 faces in each image, this could easily be extended by setting N_PEOPLE_PER_IMAGE = 8 .

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