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Trim() Function with Spring JPA like Query Methods

I am making a rest service that internally is using JPA to find data with a prefix (for instance: Information prefix).

My query method with Spring data looks like this:

List<Entity> findAllByFieldStartsWithIgnoreCase(String field);

Everything is working fine, however, there are data in the database that have the Information prefix, but also have a white space, like in the followings example:


Information 1
    Information 2
 Information 3
Information 4 

Like you can see in the above examples, Information 1 does not have some white space, but Information 2 and 3 have one, or more, white spaces.

I am looking the way to ignore these spaces, I know that sql has the trim function to make it, but in JPA repository with Spring , with query methods, does not exist:

I would like to find a function to type the query methods like this:

List<Entity> findAllByField  Trim   StartsWithIgnoreCase(String field);

In order to execute trim function before the StartWith.

I would apprecite your help, regards.

You can use a JPQL query here using the @Query annotation. For example, the following snippet should give you a prefix search on a trimmed column

@Query("select e from Entity e where trim(e.field) like concat(:field,'%')")
List<Entity> findAllByFieldStartsWithIgnoreCase(@Param("field") String field);

Here's a resource on how to use native/JPQL queries with Hibernate

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