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Spring JPA query methods with default value

is it possible for Spring JPA Query methods on the interface to have default value?

This is the common one: Optional<DocumentTypeEntity> findByIdAndStatus(BigInteger id, String status);

I want the status to have a value of "ACTIVE" (this won't work though) Optional<DocumentTypeEntity> findByIdAndStatus(BigInteger id, "ACTIVE");

Maybe anyone has ideas? custom query is my last resort! Thanks!

maybe you can create two methods:

Optional<DocumentTypeEntity> findByIdAndStatus(BigInteger id, String status);

default Optional<DocumentTypeEntity> getActiveById(BigInteger id) {
    return findByIdAndStatus(id, "ACTIVE");

I suggest using @Query. In case you don't need a predicate framework in an application (Specifications, QueryDSL,...), it's just easier.

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