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How to Calculate Running Averages


I want to calculate the moving average for sales amount for the entire month that has taken place SO FAR. Each month has a different number of days. If the sales_amount is 0, that means that person has the day off and I need to ignore that value.

Sample Data:

sales_amount    date         
100            2021-04-01    
200            2021-04-02    
300            2021-04-03    
0              2021-04-04    
100            2021-04-05    

The Final moving_average value is (100 + 200 + 300 + 100) / (4) since we are ignoring April 4th because it has a 0 sales amount.

What I have found on this site that doesn't meet my needs: https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/calculate-moving-averages-using-t-sql-in-sql-server but it is for a certain number of days, how can I apply this when each month has a different number of days and I want to ignore certain rows?

Expected Result:

sales_amount    date         moving_average
100            2021-04-01    100
200            2021-04-02    150
300            2021-04-03    200
0              2021-04-04    200
100            2021-04-05    175 

What I have tried doing:

AVG (Sales_Amount) OVER (
Partition BY [Date]
Order by [Date]
,Rows Between Unbounded Preceding and Current Row)
  1. remove the PARTITION BY
  2. use NULLIF() on Sales_Amount since you are not interested in 0

also you have an extra comma before the ROWS

AVG ( NULLIF(Sales_Amount, 0) ) 
        Order by [Date]
        Rows Between Unbounded Preceding and Current Row

You can try to use 2 aggregate window functions to make it, one for counting your logic another for accumulation sales_amount

       SUM(sales_amount) OVER(Order by [Date])/
       SUM(CASE WHEN sales_amount<>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER(Order by [Date]) moving_average


You have a syntax error before the ROWS and don't need to partition by the date. But the ROWS is not actually needed. This should do what you want:

AVG(NULLIF(Sales_Amount, 0)) OVER (Order by [Date])

If you had duplicate dates, then you might want to specify a window frame -- but you would need to explain how the duplicates are handled.

You can use correlated queries, such that for all dates of inner query that is less than the outer query are considered for average calculation.

SELECT [sales_amount], [date], 
      (SELECT AVG(NULLIF(T2.sales_amount, 0)) 
       FROM your_table T2 
       WHERE T2.orderdate <= T1.orderdate
      ) AS 'moving_average'
FROM your_table T1
ORDER BY T1.date

It will consider all the rows that have a [date] less than or equal to current rows [date] and calculate the average for them. As @Squirrel has mentioned, the NULLIF(T2.sales_amount, 0) should skip the 0 values in average calculations.

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