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How to validate if a nested referenced object (@ManyToOne) exists with OpenXava/JPA?

In my OpenXava application I have a class called Parcel that references TaxAccount class:

public Parcel {

    TaxAccount taxAccout;


Also, I have a class called Assessment that references Parcel:

public class Assessment {

    Parcel parcel;


When saving Assessment I would like to check/validate if the referenced Parcel has a TaxAccount linked to it. If referenced Parcel has a TaxAccount then save action of Assessment should be successful else the save action should fail.

How do I achieve this with OpenXava?

The easiest way is to include the validation in the entity itself, in this way:

public class Assessment {

    private boolean parcelHasTaxAccount() {
        return parcel != null && parcel.getTaxAccount() != null;


Note as @AssertTrue is not an OpenXava annotation but a Bean Validation annotation, so this validation will work with OpenXava but also when you use your JPA entities outside of OpenXava.

For more validation alternatives in OpenXava look at:


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