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How to convert a JSON array to comma separated string in MySQL?

I've a JSON column from where I'm extracting values. All goes good, except I'm not able to convert an array inside the JSON Object to a comma separated string. Below is the structure similar to what I have.

id name data
... ... ...
234 AAA {
"options": [
"Option A",
"Option B",
"Option C"
... ... ...

Now I'm extracting the data like this:

    JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT( `data`, '$.options' ) ) AS `options`
FROM `my_table`;

Result I'm getting:

id name data
... ... ...
234 AAA ["Option A", "Option B", "Option C"]
... ... ...

Result I want:

id name data
... ... ...
234 AAA "Option A", "Option B", "Option C"
... ... ...

How can I do this in MySQL? It's like implode function in php.

I've seen some answers that uses nested REPLACE but remember that the value itself may contain square brackets.

Assuming you are using mysql 8.0 then you can use JSON_TABLE with CROSS JOIN and GROUP_CONCAT to achieve this:

Try below query:

select t1.id,t1.name, group_concat(t2.data_ )
from test t1 
cross join 
json_table(t1.data->'$.options', '$[*]' columns(data_ varchar(10) path '$'))t2
group by 1,2

If you want to surround all the values in quotes then replace group_concat(t2.data_ ) with group_concat(concat('"',t2.data_,'"' )) in above query


In your question you want to get the values of options array of the JSON in to comma separated string. So the steps of the solution is:

Step 1. Get the array data from JSON: Here by using -> operator we are able to fetch the data from data field. data->'$.options' will return the array in JSON format.

Step 2. Unnest all the elements of the array: Here JSON_TABLE ( Reference ) will do the things for us. see below example

select * from json_table(
'["Option A","Option B","Option C"]', 
'$[*]' columns(data_ varchar(10) path '$'))t


Option A
Option B
Option C

Step 3. Cross join the unnest records: After unnest the array CROSS JOIN it with main table, which will return one row against each records returns by JSON_TABLE . In below example you will get 3 rows against id 234 because there are 3 elements in array.

select t1.id,t1.name,t2.data_
from test t1 
cross join 
json_table(t1.data->'$.options', '$[*]' columns(data_ varchar(10) path '$'))t2


id    name      data_
234   AAA       Option A
234   AAA       Option B
234   AAA       Option C

Step 4. Group the results: In final step use GROUP_CONCAT ( Reference ) to group all the records by id , name etc. to get the desired output.


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