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Git status command remote out from bash-Script and email it

Is it possible to do an "git status" and output the result into an echo? Or send the output as email?

I guess the email-thing is no problem but I stuck doing an echo.

What I got

output="$(git status)"
echo output

But... yeah, it won't work and I searched certain examples but they lead always ino a git status if,. and i need the output:( Is there way simple way to get this done

And, how to handle if this should be called on a remote system:


The echo is useless ; all you need is

git status

If you genuinely need to store the output in a variable as well as print it, try

output=$(git status)
echo "$output"

To run it remotely, you don't need a here document at all;

ssh "${SSHUSER}@${LIVE_HOST}" git status

and again, if you need to store that in a variable, that would be

output=$(ssh "${SSHUSER}@${LIVE_HOST}" git status)
echo "$output"

If you really want to store the command in a here document, that's possible too:

ssh "${SSHUSER}@${LIVE_HOST}" <<\:
git status

or in Bash you could use a "here string":

ssh "${SSHUSER}@${LIVE_HOST}" <<<'git status'

If you want to send the result as email, a common arrangement is

git status | mail -s "Status report from xyz" you@example.com

but the mail command is poorly standardized, so you may have to consult a manual page or Google for a bit.

An echo "$output" would work better

echo ouput would just print output .

I just tried:

$ o=$(git status 2>&1); echo "$o"
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

It does not working because you missed the variables syntax.

Rewrite your code as follow:

output="$(git status)"
echo "$output"

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