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Check if value is present in JSON array, if not check next array(Swift / SwiftUI)

I have a username and a password, I need to check both of these against the data in the JSON file, if both are correct/exist I return a list that contains the data in "items".

For example: if I type "user" for the username and "pass" for the password the view should display "Dog, Cat, Mouse, Parrot, Goldfish" in a list.

The JSON file can be modified if my syntax is incorrect.


        "username": "user",
        "password": "pass",
        "type": "Animals",
        "items": ["Dog",
        "username": "helloworld",
        "password": "firstprogram",
        "type": "States",
        "items": ["Not Running",
        "username": "movielover",
        "password": "bestmovies",
        "type": "Movies",
        "items": ["Kill Bill",

Swift UI Code:

import SwiftUI

struct LoginView: View {

    var userName = "user"
    var items: UserModel = UserModelData().userInformation[0]//this only displays data 
for the first item in the array, I would like to check each item,find the one 
that contains userName, and use that index.
    var body: some View{
            Text("\(items.username)'s \(items.type)")
            if userName == items.username{
                        List(items.items, id: \.self){ item in

struct LoginView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

You can use first(where:) to find an item in your array that matches a given condition (in this case, that the user names match). It returns an optional since there's no guarantee that there will be an item that matches.

I had to stub out UserModel and UserModelData since you didn't include them, so you'll need to make sure the type names match what you had.

struct UserModel {
    var username : String
    var password : String
    var items : [String]
    var type: String

struct UserModelData {
    var userInformation : [UserModel] = []

struct LoginView: View {
    var userName = "user"
    private var userModelData = UserModelData()
    var userInformation : UserModel? {
        userModelData.userInformation.first { $0.username == userName }
    var body: some View{
        VStack {
            if let userInformation = userInformation {
                Text("\(userInformation.username)'s \(userInformation.type)")
                Form {
                    List(userInformation.items, id: \.self) { item in

You can achieve this using filter:

var item: UserModel = UserModelData().userInformation.filter({ $0.username == "user" && $0.password == "pass" }).first

Additionally you could move this logic to the UserModelData and do something like:

var serModelData = UserModelData()
lazy var item: UserModel = userModelData.retrieveUserModel(for: "user", and: "pass")


class UserModelData {
    func retrieveUserModel(for username: String, and password: String) {
            .filter({ $0.username == username && $0.password == password }).first


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