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Read a cell from CSV using pandas in object data type

I have been working on reading a cell through Pandas. The value in the cell is actually used to read data from a Modbus device. But since Pandas is reading it as a string, I am not able to use it for processing further. Can anyone tell me how to NOT read the data as string type from the Pandas or what is the actual format/datatype to read the cells

The below shown data is what I have in my CSV and trying to read this from Pandas


Below is a piece of code which i am using to read the csv data

file = ('MB_REGISTERS.csv')
print ("Starting to read MB CSV")
sheet1 = pds.read_csv(file)
total_rows = sheet1.shape[0]
Column_address = sheet1['Sheet1']
print (Column_address)

Below is the output seen after running the code

Starting to read MB CSV
Printing total rows
0    client.read_holding_registers(0,unit=1)
1    client.read_holding_registers(1,unit=1)
2    client.read_holding_registers(2,unit=1)
Name: MB_REGISTERS, dtype: object
Starting to read Modbus Register Address

As seen above, the cells are read as it is in string format. When I read the same value as an array directly from python code, it is working. Below is an example for the same

k1 = np.array([client.read_holding_registers(0,unit=1),client.read_holding_registers(1,unit=1)])
print (k1)

The above lines print the result as desired here

[<pymodbus.register_read_message.ReadHoldingRegistersResponse object at 0x0FC1ECD0>
 <pymodbus.register_read_message.ReadHoldingRegistersResponse object at 0x0F3736D0>]

I want the pandas to read the csv in a processable format and not in string. I hope my question is clear. Thanks in advance

One of the joys/horrors (depending on your standpoint) of a scripting language like Python is that you can make up code on the fly, using the eval() function.

l = ['John','Graham','Michael']
strExpr = 'l[1]'

gives a result of:

l[1] = Graham

So in this case,

l = ['client.read_holding_registers(0,unit=1)',

k1 = np.array([eval(reg) for reg in l])

will evaluate whatever is in the string-based expression.

EDIT: Since OP only wants to loop through items once, and assuming that client is already a valid object:

k1 = []

f = open('MB_REGISTERS.csv',mode='r')
while True:
    line = f.readline()   
    if not line:


(NB. Extra checks might be needed for blank lines etc. Also it seems that eval() does not mind having the newline character at the end of the string)

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