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Knight's Tour only solvable for one size board

I am trying to implement a knight's tour finder in python. Assuming the knight must start at the top left corner (called (0,0) here), it finds a solution for a 4x3 field, but not for any other fields.

def maneuvrability(position, path, width, height):
    if position[0] < width and position[1] < height and position not in path and position[0] >= 0 and position[1] >= 0:
        return True
        return False
def completedness(path,width,height):
    if len(path) == (width*height):
        return True
        return False
def possible_jumps(pos):
    return_list = []
    return return_list
def knights_tour(width,height,path=[(0,0)]):
    if completedness(path,width,height):
        return path
        elem = path[len(path)-1]
        succs = []
        for x in succs:
            if maneuvrability(x,path,width,height):
                return knights_tour(width,height,[y for y in path + [x]])

Your backtracking is not correct. At every step, you are only checking if the next move is valid, and then returning whether or not that move results in a knight's tour. Instead, you need to adapt the code to check all valid moves , and then see if any of them resulted in a complete knight's tour.

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