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C# VSTO, edit text from the clipboard without losing format

I need some help with my code, what I'm trying to do its to copy a text from 1 word and paste it in a new one without "line spaces", with my code it works but.... I lost all the format of the text and I want to keep it, is there any possibility or an alternative to do what I want?

Word.Range rng = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Content;


string TPaste = Clipboard.GetText();

TPaste = TPaste.Replace("\r\n", " ");
TPaste = TPaste.Replace("  ", " ");

object start = 0;
object end = 0;

rng = Protocol.Range(ref start, ref end);

rng.Text = TPaste;

Ok, so finally I make it works! Here is the solution, what I did was copy al the content and paste it with the original format, them at the new word doc I use the tool "find and replace" and with that I solve my problem!

Word.Range rng = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Content;



        Word.Find findObject = Protocol.Application.Selection.Find;
        findObject.Text = "^p";
        findObject.Replacement.Text = " ";

        object replaceAll = Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll;

        findObject.Execute(Replace: replaceAll);

        findObject.Text = "  ";
        findObject.Replacement.Text = " ";

        findObject.Execute(Replace: replaceAll);

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