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Returning multiple identical rows in LISTAGG query

I'm using Oracle, and want to connect two tables into one select statement (for a report), and we're required to concatenate some of the data from one table into a single row - for which I'm expecting to use LISTAGG.

Simplified version of the problem:


InitialDate AccountNumber Balance
01/01/1980 11111 20
02/01/1980 22222 30
03/01/1980 33333 40
04/01/1980 44444 50


AccountNumber CustNo
11111 50
22222 51
22222 52
33333 53
44444 51
44444 55
44444 57

And what I'm trying to get is something like:

Account Number Customers Initial Date Balance
11111 50 01/01/1980 20
22222 51,52 02/01/1980 30
33333 53 03/01/1980 40
44444 51,55,57 04/01/1980 50

However, what I'm actually seeing are duplicate rows, which breaks the reporting tools:

Account Number Customers Initial Date Balance
11111 50 01/01/1980 20
22222 51,52 02/01/1980 30
22222 51,52 02/01/1980 30

The query I have currently is

SELECT a.AccountNumber,
LISTAGG(ac.Customers, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.AccountNumber) 
FROM accounts a, account_to_cust ac
WHERE accounts.AccountNumber = account_to_cust.AccountNumber
Group By a.AccountNumber, a.InitialDate, a.balance

I've tried putting a distinct into the initial select, and get an error that the concatenation is too long, and I've tried adding the distinct in the LISTAGG itself, which doesn't seem to work either. How do I eliminate these duplicates?

This looks OK to me (sample data in lines #1 - 16; query begins at line #17):

SQL> with
  2  accounts (initialdate, accountnumber, balance) as
  3    (select date '1980-01-01', 11111, 20 from dual union all
  4     select date '1980-01-02', 22222, 30 from dual union all
  5     select date '1980-01-03', 33333, 40 from dual union all
  6     select date '1980-01-04', 44444, 50 from dual
  7    ),
  8  account_to_cust (accountnumber, custno) as
  9    (select 11111,   50 from dual union all
 10     select 22222,   51 from dual union all
 11     select 22222,   52 from dual union all
 12     select 33333,   53 from dual union all
 13     select 44444,   51 from dual union all
 14     select 44444,   55 from dual union all
 15     select 44444,   57 from dual
 16    )
 17  select
 18    a.accountnumber,
 19    a.initialdate,
 20    a.balance,
 21    listagg(b.custno, ', ') within group (order by b.custno) customers
 22  from accounts a join account_to_cust b on b.accountnumber = a.accountnumber
 23  group by a.accountnumber,
 24           a.initialdate,
 25           a.balance
 26  order by a.accountnumber;

------------- --------------- ---------- ---------------
        11111 01/01/1980              20 50
        22222 02/01/1980              30 51, 52
        33333 03/01/1980              40 53
        44444 04/01/1980              50 51, 55, 57


As you can see, no duplicates.

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