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How can I serialize() a fmpp CsvSequence in FreeMarker?

I tried using both flexjson.JSONSerializer and com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper in a freemarker template to convert a csv file loaded via the csv data loader csv(menu.csv, {trimCells: true}) to JSON.

When I try to run this, I get the following exception:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Operation supported only on TemplateHashModelEx. fmpp.models.CsvSequence does not implement it though.
    at freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter.getModelEx(HashAdapter.java:186)
    at freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter.access$000(HashAdapter.java:38)
    at freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1.iterator(HashAdapter.java:99)
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.MapSerializer.serializeFields(MapSerializer.java:696)
    ... 46 common frames omitted

I don't know any of the internals of FreeMarker (yet), but this looks to me like the CsvSequence does implement the freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel but not freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx .

The only place I found getModelEx is in the HashAdaptor , so I assume that it uses the newer interface for hashs.

Any idea how to solve this?

The CsvSequence implements both freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel and freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel , see http://fmpp.sourceforge.net/api/fmpp/models/CsvSequence.html

CsvSequence is also a hash that contains one key: headers. This is a sequence that stores the header names

As I want to convert only the sequence, not the headers, I can simply convert the CsvSequence to a normal sequence eg like this:



${JSON.stringify([] + csvInput)}

You can also just convert manually:

    <#assign header = _responses["getCSV"]["rawBody"]?keep_before('\r\n')?split(_variables["textquoter"]+_variables["commaseperator"]+_variables["textquoter"])>
    <#assign data = _responses["getCSV"]["rawBody"]?keep_after('\r\n')?replace('\r\n',_variables["textquoter"]+_variables["commaseperator"]+_variables["textquoter"])?split(_variables["textquoter"]+_variables["commaseperator"]+_variables["textquoter"])>
    <#if data[data?size-1] = ''><#assign data = data[0..data?size-2]></#if>

    <#assign json>
    <#list data as X>
    <#assign mod = (X?index) % (header?size)>
    <#if mod = 0>{</#if>
    "${header[mod]?remove_beginning(_variables["textquoter"])?remove_ending(_variables["textquoter"])}" : "${X?remove_beginning(_variables["textquoter"])?remove_ending(_variables["textquoter"])}"<#if mod lt header?size-1>,</#if>
    <#if mod = header?size-1>},</#if>
    <#assign json = json?remove_ending(',') + '\n]'>

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