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Best way of calling a long running process asynchronously in .net core web api

I am trying to call a long running task from web api like this

    public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
        await Task.Run(()=>_report.TestFunctionAsync());
        return Accepted();


And this is the task

    public async Task TestFunctionAsync()
        ProcessStatus = 0;
        ProcessStatus = 1;//wrting to DB
        ProcessStatus = 2;//Fetching from Excel
        ProcessStatus = 3;//Processing
        ProcessStatus = 9;//Finished

But when googling I found from UI perspective, its async and UI never be blocked. But its not the correct way.

So please suggest a better way of implementing this. Also is there is any way to understand what is the status of the asyn task (using the ProcessStatus property)

Since ASP.NET MVC does not itself provide the ability to process long-running tasks, you have to create an external solution.

  1. Create a Durable Queue in which to place your requests for long-running operations. RabbitMQ as an example. Alternatively, write your requests to a requests table in your data store/database.

  2. Create a Backend Service to execute your long-running tasks. It should read the requests from your Durable Queue or database table, and act on them accordingly. This can be a Windows Service, Linux Daemon or AWS Lambda, etc.

  3. Create a notification mechanism so that the UI can be notified when the task completes, such as a web socket connection or polling. Or, provide an endpoint on the ASP.NET Web API that allows your web page to retrieve task status.

Microsoft suggests the following options in ASP.NET Core Performance Best Practices docs:

  • Handle long-running requests with background services . In ASP.NET Core, background tasks can be implemented as hosted services. A hosted service class with background task logic that implements the IHostedService interface.
  • Also, you can use an Azure Function to complete work out-of-process. This scenario is especially beneficial for CPU-intensive tasks.
  • To notify your clients using real-time communication options, such as SignalR , to communicate with clients asynchronously.

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