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Regex to split and ignore brackets

I need to split by comma in the text but the text also has a comma inside brackets which need to be ignored

Input text : Selectroasted peanuts, Sugars (sugar, fancymolasses) ,Hydrogenatedvegetable oil (cottonseed and rapeseed oil),Salt.

Expected output:

  • Selectroasted peanuts
  • Sugars (sugar, fancymolasses)
  • Hydrogenatedvegetable oil (cottonseed and rapeseed oil)
  • Salt


string pattern = @"\s*(?:""[^""]*""|\([^)]*\)|[^, ]+)";
string input = "Selectroasted peanuts,Sugars (sugar, fancymolasses),Hydrogenatedvegetable oil (cottonseed and rapeseed oil),Salt."; 
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input, pattern)) 
Console.WriteLine("{0}", m.Value); 

The output I am getting:

  • Selectroasted
  • peanuts
  • Sugars
  • (sugar, fancymolasses)
  • Hydrogenatedvegetable
  • oil
  • (cottonseed and rapeseed oil)
  • Salt

Please help.

You can use

string pattern = @"(?:""[^""]*""|\([^()]*\)|[^,])+";
string input = "Selectroasted peanuts,Sugars (sugar, fancymolasses),Hydrogenatedvegetable oil (cottonseed and rapeseed oil),Salt."; 
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input.TrimEnd(new[] {'!', '?', '.', '…'}), pattern)) 
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", m.Value); 
// => Selectroasted peanuts
//    Sugars (sugar, fancymolasses)
//    Hydrogenatedvegetable oil (cottonseed and rapeseed oil)
//    Salt

See the C# demo . See the regex demo , too. It matches one or more occurrences of

  • "[^"]*" - " , zero or more chars other than " and then a "
  • | - or
  • \\([^()]*\\) - a ( , then any zero or more chars other than ( and ) and then a ) char
  • | - or
  • [^,] - a char other than a , .

Note the .TrimEnd(new[] {'!', '?', '.', '…'}) part in the code snippet is meant to remove the trailing sentence punctuation, but if you can affort Salt. in the output, you can remove that part.

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