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Curly Brackets in Regex Expression { }

just want to ask the right expression for curly bracket

output should be all text inside { and ends with } will all be color blue . not a single line but all text inside curly brackets even if its different line .

further more something like this1:

int csharp = rtb.SelectionStart;
Regex bracket = new

foreach (Match brack in bracket.Matches(rtb.Text))
    rtb.Select(brack.Index, brack.Length);
    rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
    rtb.SelectionStart = csharp;
    rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;

expression above was for singlequote . all text inside ' ' (sample 'text') will all be color blue . i need for the curly brackets thanks .

starts with { and ends with }


Match match = Regex.Match(yourString, @"{[^}]*}");

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