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Is there any similar function in MATLAB like enumerate()

This is a python code. I want to convert this code into MATLAB and 'for' loop in one line but I can't.

calibration = {'rms': result[0], 'camera_matrix': result[1].tolist(), 'dist_coefs':result[2].tolist(), 'rotational_vectors': {("image" + str(c)): x.tolist() for c, x in enumerate (result[3])},'translational_vectors': {("image" + str(c)): x.tolist() for c, x in enumerate (result[4])},'image_files_names': [[c, x] for c, x in enumerate (imageFileNames)]}

Unfortunately, while I learned MATLAB, I don't remember any function similar to enumerate() in Python for MATLAB

Maybe you can define your own function enumerate and use it as and when you want by defining it earlier on simply creating a custom package (toolbox)

Here's how I would create an enumerate() function for MATLAB:

classdef enumerate < handle
   properties(Access = private)
       function self = enumerate(in)
           self.IterationList = in;
       function [varargout] = subsref(self, S)
           item = subsref(self.IterationList,S);
           num = S.subs{2};
           out.item = item;
           out.num = num;
           varargout = {out};
       function [m,n] = size(self)
           [m,n] = size(self.IterationList);

Once defined, simply use it to your liking like:

for t = enumerate(linspace(0,1,10));
disp(['Number: ',num2str(t.num),'Item: ',num2str(t.item)]); 

How to create a MATLAB Custom Toolbox Check this

Alternatively if you have a 1D Array:

enumerate = @(values) [1:length(values); values]

a = [6 5 4]
for i=enumerate(a)
    do something with i

Also there's some documentation about enumerations for MATAB r2021a https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/enumeration-classes.html

Additional sources: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/access-data-in-a-cell-array.html

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