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Is it possible to rename multiple columns of a CSV to empty columns name when using miller?

I have CSV files with headers like this


The columns ppp , qqq , etc I want to set to columns with empty headers. (I do not want to delete them!) So I want a resulting CSV with a header like this:


(Note the empty, but present columns at the end.)

Is there a way to do this with miller ?(*) I tried

mlr --csv rename -r '"^(.){3}$",' myFile.csv

but this command folds all the matching columns into one ! :-(

(*) I do know how to hack this together with a search-replace command in sed , but I don't like it as a general solution, because sed is not aware of the CSV's column structure. Therefore I am hoping for a solution with miller.

If I understand correctly, just remove the empty columns

mlr --csv remove-empty-columns input.csv >output.csv

If you want to use rename, the command is

mlr --csv rename -r '^.{3}$,' input.csv >output.csv

But please note in Miller you cannot have a CSV whit two or more fields with the same name. And if you have


the last fields have the same empty field name. Then you can add a numeric progressive heading, then apply a search & replace to the first data row, and at the end remove the numeric heading.

Starting from


and running

mlr --csv -N put -S 'if(NR==1){for (k in $*) {$[k] = gsub($[k], "^.{3}$", "");}}' input.csv

you will have


Some points:

  • -N add and remove the numeric heading;
  • if(NR==1) to apply the put verb only to first data row that here is field1,field2,ppp,qqq,zzz

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