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Multipy mutli parameters in Python

I am a begineer of python.

I want multipy multi arguements like this:

def multiply(*args):
    for nums in args
        return (args*args)

print(multiply(3, 4, 5))

EDIT: Actualy i want to make one again for substraction

minus(3, 4, 7)
def multiply(*args):
    n = 1
    for nums in args:
        n *= nums
    return n

print(multiply(3, 4, 5))

You can do this in a single line using functools.reduce and operator.mul , but we'll leave that for a later lesson.

You can use functools.reduce

from functools import reduce
def multiply(*args):
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, args, 1) 


It turns out there is something even simpler starting in python 3.8:

from math import prod
def multiply(*args):
    return prod(args) 

There you go

def multiply(*args):
    x = 1
    for e in args:
        x = x*e
    return x

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