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PowerShell: Remove Text from Variable using Wildcard

I was reading about using RegEx in a -replace object here , but the solution and the problem aren't quite what I am facing.

If I have the following variable:

$FinalOutput = Warning123 for Item: XYZ. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring. Warning123 for Item: ABC. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring. Error Found: Sending error to output.

Then use a simple -replace to change the variable from all-inline to individual lines:

$FinalOutput = ($FinalOutput -replace "Warning123", "`nWarning123")

I'm now stuck with:

Warning123 for Item: XYZ. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring.
Warning123 for Item: ABC. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring.
Error Found: Sending error to output.

My variable will always have warnings and I wish to remove those values that start with Warning123 . Almost as if I wrote $FinalOutput = ($FinalOutput -replace "Warning123*", "") . However, wildcards do not work in the -replace object. My end result should look like:

Error Found: Sending error to output.

Using RegEx , I figured I could capture the start of the string with my specific phrase and then infidelity remove the characters after that string, leaving me with nothing:

^.*?Warning123 for Item:(.*)

However, that doesn't seem to work either. Any ideas or help on this solution?

$pattern = [regex]"(Warning123).*(object.)"

$FinalOutput = 'Warning123 for Item: XYZ. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring. Warning123 for Item: ABC. Cannot specify "specific" object. Ignoring. Error Found: Sending error to output.'

$FinalOutput = ($FinalOutput -replace $pattern, "")

Outputs: PS C:\\> $FinalOutput Ignoring. Error Found: Sending error to output. PS C:\\> $FinalOutput Ignoring. Error Found: Sending error to output.

Try that!

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