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How to set up Raspberry Pi 4B as a I2C slave

I'm trying to set up a RPi 4B to work as an I2C slave with PSoC (4.4) - CY8C5888LTI-LP097. Below is my code to set up the slave address on the Pi.

import pigpio

pi = None
slave_addr = 0x13

def i2cInterrupt():
   global pi
   global slave_addr
   status, bytes_read, data = pi.bsc_i2c(slave_addr) 

   if bytes_read:

pi = pigpio.pi()
int_handler = pi.event_callback(pigpio.EVENT_BSC, i2cInterrupt)

I have followed this example: http://abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/python.html#bsc_i2c however, not detecting anything when I run

$ i2cdetect -y 1

Have you loopback any i2c master GPIOs to the slave GPIOs?
On RPi4 you'll have to jumper GPIO 2-3 to GPIO 10-11 respectively.

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