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How to use AWS secret manager with Amplify

I have AWS Amplify Apps and currently the passwords are stored in Amplify environment variables. I am trying to use AWS secret manager to store my secrets and use it in my Amplify project

I checked AWS documentation ( https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amplify/latest/userguide/environment-variables.html ) they mention to enter parameter in this format(For Name, enter a parameter in the format /amplify/{your_app_id}/{your_backend_environment_name}/{your_parameter_name} ) I am not sure what is app_id, what is your_backend_environment_name and how can I use it in my Amplify project.

Perhaps you've already found the solution, but perhaps someone would search for the same.

You need to name your secret parameter as the docs suggest:


To find the {your_app_id} and {your_backend_environment_name} , you want to go to the Amplify console in AWS. Click on your application, and notice the list of environments the application deployed to. In my example, I want to set the secret for Dev.

Click on the "Action" drop-down button on the top right corner, chose "View app settings". On the right hand you'll notice the "App ARN" in the next format:


" sdkjhf9shdfweh " part is your APP ID.

If I want to set a secret name MY_SECRET I'd need to go to the parameter store and create a secret string parameter with the following name:


Then I'll be able to access it from the build pipeline.

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