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How to return tokio_postgres ToSql type from closure in Rust?

How could I avoid repeating myself by passing the ToSql data as a closure, telling tokio-postgres which columns of data, from my various struct models, to COPY / SELECT /etc?

For instance, ideally I could pass various table/column args, like:

// see MRE, "copy_in" performs boilerplate to copy binary format in postgres table
    &mut client, // the postgres client setup in tokio
    "table_name", // meta info about what table/columns to insert
    &["col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"],
    &vec![Type::INT4, Type::VARCHAR, Type::INT4, Type::INT4],
    &rows_of_struct_data, // the vec of data I plan to insert
    // then here's the hard part: which fields to extract from each row... (not works)
    |m| &[&[&m.id], &[&m.name], &[&m.range_begin, &m.range_end]] as &[&[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)]]

tokio_postgres requires a type for writing binary data during a copy , Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> , and though hardcoding what gets push ed into that Vec works, I am puzzled how to pass an argument that decides dynamically what to push into it.

I have two ideas for this, but what is recommended approach?

  1. As shown in this MRE , I could pass a closure to my copy function that returns which columns for each row to write to stdin, but how do I type closure to avoid?:

expected &dyn ToSql + Sync , found trait object dyn ToSql

  1. Alternatively, as shown in this MRE , I could pass the Vec to my closure for it to push columns data into for each row, but that had several lifetime issues, like:

reference to row escapes the async closure body here

Out of my two approaches, I finally got #1 working, though I'm not accepting my own answer yet in case a better recommendation comes along.

Here is the working MRE

Here is what I was missing in my understanding:

  • I needed to return a single Vec for each type of column, else the ToSql type was violated if a single Vec contained both i32 and String
  • I needed to return an owned object and not a reference, since functions in Rust cannot return references they own.

Interested to see for purely functional programming learning what others might recommend. This is really helpful understanding how closures can be used. #2 approach has lifetime challenges I'm interested if others have insights on.

I don't know how to return tokio_postgres &dyn ToSql + Sync type. But I resolve this problem this way below. I am inserting the data using postgres's binary copy.



To populate the table, I use:

use tokio_postgres::types::{Type, ToSql};
use tokio_postgres::binary_copy::BinaryCopyInWriter;
use tokio_postgres::{NoTls, Error};
use futures::{pin_mut};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {


    let config = format!("host={} user={} password='{}' dbname={} port={} connect_timeout=10",host, user, passwd, dbname, port);
    let (client, connection) = tokio_postgres::connect(&config, NoTls).await?;

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        if let Err(e) = connection.await {
            eprintln!("Connection error: {}", e);

    let data: Vec<(i32,&str)> = vec![(1i32,"hello,"),

    let sink = client
        .copy_in("COPY test (id, name) FROM STDIN BINARY")

    let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new(sink, &[Type::INT4, Type::VARCHAR]);

    for i in 0..data.len() {
        let (id, name) = data[i];
        writer.as_mut().write(&[&id, &name]).await.unwrap();


I use tuples to store the data, Then I unpack the tuple to insert the data on the database. The dependencies are tokio-postgres = "0.7.6", tokio = { version = "1.20.0", features = ["full"] } and futures = "0.3".

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