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How to Write PostgreSQL Stored Procedure to find and kill idle query?

Need to write PostgreSQL Stored Procedure to find and kill Idle queries. Below are the query to find and kill PID:

  1. To find list of PID:

     SELECT pid FROM pg_stat_activity where datname='dbdataanalytics' and state='idle' and state_change<=current_date-1
  2. To kill The PID:

     SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM idle_connections

But I need to run this every day automatically. Please help me write stored procedure.

You should upgrade to PostgreSQL v14 and set the idle_session_timeout parameter. Even better would be to fix the connection leak in your application.

To terminate all connections that have been idle for more then 5 minutes, tun

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE state = 'idle'
  AND state_change < current_timestamp - INTERVAL '5 minutes';

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