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Condition based builder in Java

I have a field that needs to be checked. If the field matches put it to builder if not, don't put it to builder.

public class UserSchool {
    private final Long UserId;
    private final String school;
    private final Optional<String> lunch;


I need to check if user belongs to "high school", then add parameter lunch to builder. If user doesn't belong to "high school" don't add parameter to builder.


UserSchool userSchool = UserSchool.builder()

I have come up with this code above and lunch parameter is null although it should be there.

When I add it to builder without if statement like this:

UserSchool userSchool = UserSchool.builder()

It works but I need to be able to check condition. What am I missing?

You shouldn't use an Optional type as a class field, generally only return types or wrappers to nullable return types.

If I understand the question, though, you're looking for this

UserSchool.Builder builder = UserSchool.builder()
if (condition) {
UserSchool userSchool = builder.build();


String lunch = condition ? "some value" : null;
UserSchool.Builder builder = UserSchool.builder()

Or simply add a method to the class, not use a nullable field

public Optional<String> getLunch() {
    return condition ? Optional.of("some value") : Optional.empty();

The problem with the if statement before the builder is that you've used some other builder, but never captured its return value to use later on

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