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Multiple nullable Guid and only one of them can have a value

I have a FinancialAccount Class that can be linked into three other classes, or manually generated , So I implemented one Enum holding the the type of class that its linked to and three other nullable Guid's to hold the Guid of that linked class

public enum AccountClassificaiton

public Account()
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public AccountClassificaiton AccountClassificaiton { get; set; }
    public Guid? ContractId { get; set; }
    public Guid? EmployeeId { get; set; }
    public Guid? BankAccountId { get; set; }

I need a better approach for this problem considering that i cant move these Guids out of this class , and there is a relation of one to one between this class and those three classes , and only one of these Guid should have a value depending on what AccountClassification this class has

Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker


Im using a Domain-Driven-Design pattern with 8 projects on the same solution so its not easy for me to show you the real problem without having a legal problem


This project is a part of Financial Management system which is a part of a huge ERP system

I would design it differently:

public enum AccountClassificaiton

public Account()
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public AccountClassificaiton AccountClassificaiton { get; set; }
    public List<Account> LinkedAccounts { get; set; }

Something like that.

Or, even better in case you need to find linked accounts fast by the account type, you can use a Dictionary where the key is the AccountClassificaiton type (value is the Account object) to group the linked accounts by type:

public Dictionnary<AccountClassificaiton, Account> LinkedAccounts { get; set; }

Of course you can indent the dictionary to get better searching efficiency in case you have many linked accounts:

public Dictionnary<AccountClassificaiton, Dictionnary<Guid, Account>> LinkedAccounts { get; set; }

Or use a custom equality comparer treating Guid and AccountClassificaiton kind of a composite key: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.iequalitycomparer-1?view=net-5.0

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