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EF Core 5.0 Exception Invalid object name [TableName]

I'm getting an invalid object name error though it's certain the table exists. It is a VB.NET app being converted from 4.6 to Core 5. The 4.6 version finds the tables in the database. There used to be a line of code that initialized the database. It was Me.Database.SetInitializer(Of MyDbContext)(Nothing)

I cannot find anything equivalent in Core 5. To resolve the error I have looked at other Q&A here and tried everything under the sun. Anything else to try?

Public Sub New()
        'Me.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = sqlConString
        'Me.Database.SetInitializer(Of MyDbContext)(Nothing)


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnConfiguring(ByVal ob As DbContextOptionsBuilder)

        If Not ob.IsConfigured Then

            Dim configBuilder As New ConfigurationBuilder()
            Dim configSection As IConfigurationSection = configBuilder.Build().GetSection("AppSettings")


        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnModelCreating(ByVal mb As ModelBuilder)

        mb.Entity(Of Store)().ToTable("dbo.Store")
        mb.Entity(Of StoreAttrib)().ToTable("dbo.Store_Attribute")
        mb.Entity(Of GroupStore)().ToTable("dbo.Group_Store")

    End Sub

The answer is, EF Core does not support VB at this time. The application had to be converted to C#.

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