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In R, how to extract multiple variables from a column and create new variable

I have a dataset that contains multiple variables within one column查看数据集. I am trying to figure out how to extract the variables (6 unique questions) from column 'question' with their associated value in percentage of respondents. When I pivot wider, it doesn't return the results I need (image attachedpivot_wider 的输出)

My ideal output is a mean percentage of respondents, grouped by country and sex for each question.

ie an output that has Country: Afghanistan, year, mean percentage of respondents per question.

dff2 <- df2 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = 'Question', values_from = 'Percentage of respondents')


you need to dcast your data.

from reshape2 package, use dcast() function.

Here how to use it:

dcast(data, Country + Sex ~ Question, value.var = 'Percentage of respondents')

Use the names of without strings quotes ""


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