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How to specify typescript type of a component with properties

I have a component SampleComponent.tsx :

import React from 'react';

type Props = { text: string };

export const SampleComponent: React.FC<Props> = ({text})=><div>{text}</div>;

SampleComponent.variant1 = ({text})=><div>{'variant1' + text}</div>;

When I try using SampleComponent.variant1 in other components, I get typescript error:

Property 'variant1' does not exist on type ...

Right now I am just casting type with as , but I think there is a better way.

How can I fix this?

Edit: How to type if I have dynamic variants - from 1 to 4 such - .variant1 , .variant2 , .variant3 and .variant4

Since you've said that Sample Component is an FC, react won't let you add any properties that aren't a part of FC. You can either expand the type you declare SampleComponent as, something like this:

export const SampleComponent: React.FC<Props> & {
  variant1: React.FC;
} = ({ text }) => <div>{text}</div>;

SampleComponent.variant1 = ({ text }) => <div>{"variant1" + text}</div>;

Or you can provide the type for the props but then let typescript figure out the rest by the way you use it:

const SampleComponent = ({ text }: Props) => <div>{text}</div>;

SampleComponent.variant1 = ({ text }: Props) => <div>{"variant1" + text}</div>;

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