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Transforming Microsoft Graph ListItem Output to a corresponding C# type

The work of transforming JSON data into a typed data model through seems to be made much more complex by the "help" the combination of SharePoint and MS Graph offer. :-)

I have a SharePoint List in Microsoft 365 that I'm accessing through the Graph API in C#, where the query destination is a typed class with properties identical to the SharePoint List Column Properties.

The ListItem class Graph API returns the results in the a Fields.AdditionalData of type Dictionary<string,object{System.Text.Json.JsonElement}> It needs to become an IEnumerable<DataItem> , which I can do by taking the List from the query result through a Serialize/Deserialize round trip, as below:

var backToJSON = ListItems.Select(o => System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(o.Fields.AdditionalData));
var stronglyTypedItems = backToJSON.Select(jsonO => System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DataItem>(jsonO));

Is there a way to do this, either with smarter OData or something in Graph API I haven't seen, without taking what used to be JSON and sending it back through JSON Serializers twice?

More details below: Sample output JSON from Graph Explorer, where value contains an array of :

"value" : [ 
    { "id": "1001, 
      "fields": { 
        "Column" : "true", 
        "Column2" : "value2", 
        "Column3" : "65" 
    { "id": "1002, 
      "fields": { 
  <and so forth until the array terminates>

Corresponding C# Class (literally built using "Paste JSON as class"):

Public class DataItem {
  public bool Column {get; set;}
  public string Column2 {get; set;}
  public int Column3 {get; set;}

The "Helper" classes in the C# Graph API deliver mostly transformed into the array of fields I actually need:

        private static GraphServiceClient graphClient;

        public static IListItemsCollectionRequest LicenseExpirationsList => graphClient
            .Header("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=none")

            var ListItems = (await GraphHelper.LicenseExpirationsList.GetAsync()).CurrentPage;

// JSON round tripping through JSONSerializer to get the strong type...
// But why? ListItems.Fields.AdditionalData is a Dictionary of JSON elements in the first place!

            var backToJSON = ListItems.Select(o => System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(o.Fields.AdditionalData));
            var stronglyTypedItems = backToJSON.Select(jsonO => System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DataItem>(jsonO));

            return stronglyTypedItems;

If you don't mind roundtrip serialization, you could customize the client's JSON serialization :

// Use custom JSON converter when deserializing response
var serializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions();
serializerOptions.Converters.Add(new CustomFieldValueSetJsonConverter());

var responseSerializer = new Serializer(serializerOptions);
var responseHandler = new ResponseHandler(responseSerializer);

var request = (ListItemsCollectionRequest)client.Sites[""].Lists[""].Items.Request();

var listItems = await request

Implement a custom JSON converter:

class CustomFieldValueSetJsonConverter : JsonConverter<FieldValueSet>
    private static readonly JsonEncodedText ODataTypeProperty
        = JsonEncodedText.Encode("@odata.type");
    private static readonly JsonEncodedText IdProperty 
        = JsonEncodedText.Encode("id");
    private static readonly JsonEncodedText ColumnProperty 
        = JsonEncodedText.Encode("Column");
    private static readonly JsonEncodedText Column2Property 
        = JsonEncodedText.Encode("Column2");
    private static readonly JsonEncodedText Column3Property
        = JsonEncodedText.Encode("Column3");

    public override FieldValueSet Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, 
        Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        var result = new FieldValueSet();
        using var doc = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref reader);
        var root = doc.RootElement;

        foreach (var element in root.EnumerateObject())
            // Set OData type property
            if (element.NameEquals(ODataTypeProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                result.ODataType = element.Value.GetString();
            // Set Id property
            else if (element.NameEquals(IdProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                result.Id = element.Value.GetString();
            // Create DataItem in AdditionalData
            else if (element.NameEquals(ColumnProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes)
                || element.NameEquals(Column2Property.EncodedUtf8Bytes)
                || element.NameEquals(Column3Property.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                result.AdditionalData ??= new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if (!result.AdditionalData.ContainsKey("DataItem"))
                    result.AdditionalData.Add("DataItem", new DataItem());

                var dataItem = (DataItem)result.AdditionalData["DataItem"];
                if (element.NameEquals(ColumnProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                    dataItem.Column = element.Value.GetBoolean();
                else if (element.NameEquals(ColumnProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                    dataItem.Column2 = element.Value.GetString();
                else if (element.NameEquals(ColumnProperty.EncodedUtf8Bytes))
                    dataItem.Column3 = element.Value.GetInt32();

        return result;

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, 
        FieldValueSet value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

To access the DataItem object:

var dataItem = (DataItem)listItem.Fields.AdditionalData["DataItem"];

You may find the HttpProvider of the GraphServiceClient helpful in this scenario:

        var listItemsCollectionRequest = graphServiceClient
         .Header("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=none")

        using (var requestMessage = listItemsCollectionRequest.GetHttpRequestMessage())
            using var responseMessage = await graphServiceClient.HttpProvider.SendAsync(requestMessage);

            //deserialize the response body into DataItem

By using the HttpProvider you can directly work with the response from the Graph API and deserialize the response body into your custom class.

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