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How To Pass Array in Php Curl GET request -Laravel?

i wanted to take an array of courseIds as input at the endpoint like "courseId":[14,15] .So, i added an extra [] in $Params .I tried as in the below code. it returns null from the endpoint. i think my curl url is not correct. How can i fix this? Any Help Is much appreciated.

the curl Url looks like this -

$Params = ['courseId' => [$myCourse]];
$curlConfig = array(
         CURLOPT_URL            => $url . "/api/tutorByCourse" ."?".http_build_query($Params),
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,

Curl Endpoint

public function getTutorByCourseId(Request $request)
      $validator = Validator::make(
                'courseId'     => 'required|array',

dd($myCourse) shows "14,15" .

dd($Params) shows

array:1 [
  "courseId" => array:1 [
    0 => "14,15"

I also tried like below:


$delimeter = '?';

foreach ($Params as $v) {
  $queryParams .= "$delimeter"."courseId=$v";
  $delimeter = '&';

CURLOPT_URL            => $url . "/api/tutorByCourse" .$queryParams,

then, the url look like this -

this too returns null from the endpoint

I think you already have your answer, take a look:

$Params = ['courseId' => [$myCourse]];

dd($myCourse) shows "14,15".

I don't think you're saving your courseId correctly, because it appears $myCourse is a literal string of "14,15" rather than an array [14, 15]. http_build_query can handle arrays (it doesn't need converted into a string first).

Do the following:

$myCourse = [14, 15]; // Or however this array is populated with IDs, this is just an example.
$parameters = ['courseId' => $myCourse];

Then build the query with the new $parameters.

Additional note: Your endpoint will continue to return "null" until getTutorByCourseId() returns a response.

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