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How do I wrap truncated text in a SwiftUI Text with quotes?

I want to achieve exactly the same effect as specified by this question , except in SwiftUI. That is, I want a Text object set to .lineLimit(3).truncationMode(.tail) that will render the text, including the trailing ellipsis, inside proper typographical quotation marks, like so: “It was the best of times, it was...”

The best solution for the problem in UIKit won't transfer over to SwiftUI in the obvious way:

Text("“\(transcript)").lineLimit(3).truncationMode(.tail) + Text("”") // error

Xcode complains that "Cannot convert value of type 'some View' to expected argument type 'Text'", as the type of the return of lineLimit(_:) and truncationMode(_:) aren't Text and therefore concatenation with + isn't allowed. I couldn't get any combination of casts or wrapping various parts in @ViewBuilder s to work, which makes sense. They're different types.

Is there any way of doing this without basically re-implementing .lineLimit(_:) myself?

The best way we found so far is to kind of define the problem away, which maybe turns out to be a better typographic solution anyway:

HStack(spacing: 0) {
    VStack {
    HStack {
        Text("Very long text to be truncated goes here")
    VStack {

This puts the quote characters to the left and right of the text, which is kind of what you want for a "pull quote" anyway.

上面的 SwiftUI 片段,用于演示引号如何位于截断文本正文的左侧和右侧

You can put everything in a HStack and set alignment and spacing for it and then divide the text so that the closing quote is in a separate Text component

HStack(alignment: .lastTextBaseline, spacing: 0) {

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