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How to convert a JSON structure into a dataclass object tree?

I have a JSON data structure. Every object has a field called "type" .

json_data_str = """
    "type" : "Game",
    "levels" : [
            "type": "Level",
            "map" : {
                "type" : "SquareRoom",
                "name" : "Level 1",
                "width" : 100,
                "height" : 100
            "waves" : [
                    "type" : "Wave",
                    "enemies" : [
                            "type" : "Wizard",
                            "name" : "Gandalf"
                            "type" : "Archer",
                            "name" : "Legolass"

And I want to convert this into an object tree composed of the following classes

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

class GameObject:

class Character(GameObject):
    name: str

class Wave(GameObject):
    enemies: List[Character]

class Wizard(Character):

class Archer(Character):

class Map(GameObject):
    name: str

class SquareRoom(Map):
    width: int
    height: int

class Level(GameObject):
    waves: List[Wave]
    map: Map
class Game(GameObject):
    levels: List[Level]

I can unpack a simple json object into a dataclass quite easily using the ** operator: eg

json_data_str = """
   "type" : "Person"
   "name" : "Bob"
   "age" : 29

class GameObject(ABC):

class Person(GameObject):
    name: str
    age: int

game_object_registry: Dict[str, Type[GameObject]] = {}
game_object_registry['Person'] = Person

json_obj = json.loads(json_data_str)
obj_type = json_obj['type']
del json_obj['type']
ObjType = game_object_registry[obj_type]

But how can I extend this to work with nested objects?

I want it to create this data class instance:

game = Game(levels=[Level(map=SquareRoom(name="Level 1", width=100, height=100), waves=[Wave([Wizard(name="Gandalf"), Archer(name="Legolass")])])])

Here is my best attempt. It doesn't really make sense, but it might be a starting point. I realise this logic doesn't make sense, but I cannot come up with a function that does make sense.

def json_to_game_object(json_obj: Any, game_object_registry: Dict[str, Type[GameObject]]) -> Any:

    if type(json_obj) is dict:
        obj_type: str = json_obj['type']
        del json_obj['type']
        ObjType = game_object_registry[obj_type]
        for key, value in json_obj.items():
            logging.debug(f'Parsing feild "{key}:{value}"')
            json_to_game_object(value, game_object_registry)
            if type(value) is dict:
                logging.debug(f'Creating object of type {ObjType} with args {value}')
                return ObjType(**value)
    elif type(json_obj) is list:
        logging.debug(f'Parsing JSON List')
        for elem in json_obj:
            logging.debug(f'Parsing list element "{json_obj.index(elem)}"')
            json_to_game_object(elem, game_object_registry)
        logging.debug(f'Parsing value')

Here is an example of how do this export in an object-oriented way. In my personal opinion, converting this to pure dataclass objects brings you no benefit over just keeping everything in a dictionary. Here, each object can have its own behavior.

(I've now modified this to start adding repr handlers, so you can print the whole tree at once.)

json_data_str = """
    "type" : "Game",
    "levels" : [
            "type": "Level",
            "map" : {
                "type" : "SquareRoom",
                "name" : "Level 1",
                "width" : 100,
                "height" : 100
            "waves" : [
                    "type" : "Wave",
                    "enemies" : [
                            "type" : "Wizard",
                            "name" : "Gandalf"
                            "type" : "Archer",
                            "name" : "Legolass"

import json

class GameObject():

class Game(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.levels = [Level(k) for k in obj['levels']]
    def __repr__(self):
        s = f"<Game contains {len(self.levels)} levels:>\n"
        s += '\n'.join(repr(l) for l in self.levels)
        return s

class Character(GameObject):
    def __init__(self,obj):
        self.name = obj['name']

class Wave(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.enemies = [game_object_registry[e['type']](e) for e in obj['enemies']]
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<Wave contains {len(self.enemies)} enemies'

class Wizard(Character):
    def __init__(self,obj):

class Archer(Character):
    def __init__(self,obj):

class Map(GameObject):

class SquareRoom(Map):
    def __init__(self,obj):
        self.name = obj['name']
        self.widdth = obj['width']
        self.height = obj['height']

class Level(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.waves = [Wave(e) for e in obj['waves']]
        self.map = game_object_registry[obj['map']['type']](obj['map'])
    def __repr__(self):
        s = f'<Level contains {len(self.waves)} waves>\n'
        s += '\n'.join(repr(w) for w in self.waves)
        return s

game_object_registry = {
    'Game': Game,
    'Wave': Wave,
    'Level': Level,
    'SquareRoom': SquareRoom,
    'Archer': Archer,
    'Map': Map,
    'Wizard': Wizard

json_obj = json.loads(json_data_str)

g = Game(json_obj)

Assuming you have control over the JSON / dict structure. You can use a framework like dacite .

It will let you map the data into your dataclasses.

Example (taken from dacite github) below:

class A:
    x: str
    y: int

class B:
    a: A

data = {
    'a': {
        'x': 'test',
        'y': 1,

result = from_dict(data_class=B, data=data)

assert result == B(a=A(x='test', y=1))

As an alternative, you can also use the dataclass-wizard library for this. This should support dataclasses as Union types as of a recent version, however note that the tag field is not configurable as of now, so in below I've changed the type field that appears in the JSON object; I've also removed this field entirely in cases where it was not really needed -- note that you'd only need a tag field when you have a dataclass field that maps to one or more dataclass types.

The below example should work for Python 3.7+ with the included __future__ import.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

from dataclass_wizard import JSONWizard

class GameObject:

class Character(GameObject):
    name: str

class Wizard(Character, JSONWizard):

    class _(JSONWizard.Meta):
        tag = 'Wizard'


class Archer(Character, JSONWizard):

    class _(JSONWizard.Meta):
        tag = 'Archer'


class Game(GameObject, JSONWizard):
    levels: list[Level]

class Level(GameObject):
    waves: list[Wave]
    # TODO: define other map classes
    map: SquareRoom | Map

class Map(GameObject):
    name: str

class SquareRoom(Map, JSONWizard):

    class _(JSONWizard.Meta):
        tag = 'SquareRoom'

    width: int
    height: int

class Wave(GameObject):
    enemies: list[Wizard | Archer]

def main():
    json_data_str = """
        "levels": [
                "map": {
                    "__tag__": "SquareRoom",
                    "name": "Level 1",
                    "width": 100,
                    "height": 100
                "waves": [
                        "enemies": [
                                "__tag__": "Wizard",
                                "name": "Gandalf"
                                "__tag__": "Archer",
                                "name": "Legolass"

    game = Game.from_json(json_data_str)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Game(levels=[Level(waves=[Wave(enemies=[Wizard(name='Gandalf'), Archer(name='Legolass')])], map=SquareRoom(name='Level 1', width=100, height=100))])

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