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XOR'ing bytes and string for signing cookie

I'm trying to solve exercise from pentesterlab. In short those are steps I need to do:

  • Login as "administ"
  • Decode the cookie, extract the signature
  • XOR the signature with "rator"
  • Login with this value as username
  • Decode the new cookie, extract the signature
  • Concatenate the signature with "administrator" to get the cookie
  • Send the cookie to the application

I am stuck at xoring. If I xor b"administ" and "\\00\\00\\00\\00\\00\\00\\00\\00" I get what expected but when XOR'ing b"strator" and signature I get: '·gæ¿pk=\\x91' which I believe isn't correct. Could someone help me with the right direction?

#cookie: YWRtaW5pc3QtLcUGktACaz2R

#decoded = administ--k=

#curl 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php'  --data-raw 'username=administ&password=Password1'

import requests
import base64

session = requests.Session()

URL = 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/'
#USERNAME = 'administ'
PASSWORD = 'Password1'

def login(username):
    payload = {
        'action': 'login',
        'username': username,
        'password': PASSWORD

    response = session.post('http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php', data=payload)

    cookie = session.cookies.get_dict()['auth'].rstrip("\'")    
    return cookie


cookie = login("administ")

signature = base64.b64decode(cookie).split(b"--")[1]

def byte_xor(a,b):
    xored = []
    for i in range(max(len(a), len(b))):
        xored_value = a[i%len(a)] ^ b[i%len(b)]
    return ''.join(xored)

username2 = (byte_xor(b"rator\00\00\00", signature))

cookie2 = login(username2)

signature2 = base64.b64decode(cookie2).split(b"--")[1]


I've also tried two other functions without success:

def byte_xor(a,b):
    xored = []
    for i in range(max(len(a), len(b))):
        xored_value = a[i%len(a)] ^ b[i%len(b)]
    return ''.join(xored)

def bxor(b1, b2): # use xor for bytes
    parts = []
    for b1, b2 in zip(b1, b2):
        parts.append(bytes([b1 ^ b2]))
    return b''.join(parts)

I made it better and everything seems to work but cookie is still not good:

#decoded = administ--k=                                                                                                                                                                                            
#curl 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php'  --data-raw 'username=administ&password=Password1'                                                                                                       
import requests                                                                                                                                                                                                    
import base64                                                                                                                                                                                                      
import sys                                                                                                                                                                                                         
session = requests.Session()                                                                                                                                                                                       

URL = 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/'
#USERNAME = 'administ'
PASSWORD = 'Password1'

def login(username):
    payload = {
        'action': 'login',
        'username': username,
        'password': PASSWORD

    response = session.post('http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php', data=payload)

    cookie = session.cookies.get_dict()['auth'].rstrip("\'")    
    return cookie


cookie = login("administ")

signature = base64.b64decode(cookie).split(b"--")[1] 

def bxor(b1, b2): # use xor for bytes
    result = []
    for b1, b2 in zip(b1, b2):
        result.append(b1 ^ b2)
    return result
username2 = bxor(bytearray('rator\00\00\00', encoding='utf8'), signature)
characters = [chr(n) for n in username2] 
username3 =''.join(characters)


cookie2 = login(username3)

signature2 = base64.b64decode(cookie2 + "==").split(b"--")[1]

cookie_final = base64.b64encode(b"administrator--")+base64.b64encode(signature2)




#decoded = administ--k=

#curl 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php'  --data-raw 'username=administ&password=Password1'

import requests
import base64
import sys

session = requests.Session()

URL = 'http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/'
#USERNAME = 'administ'
PASSWORD = 'Password1'

def login(username):
    payload = {
        'action': 'login',
        'username': username,
        'password': PASSWORD

    response = session.post('http://ptl-a696a9c3-4f721187.libcurl.so/login.php', data=payload)

    cookie = session.cookies.get_dict()['auth'].rstrip("\'")    
    return cookie


cookie = login("administ")

signature = base64.b64decode(cookie).split(b"--")[1]

def encrypt2(var, key, byteorder=sys.byteorder):
    key, var = key[:len(var)], var[:len(key)]
    int_var = int.from_bytes(var, byteorder)
    int_key = int.from_bytes(key, byteorder)
    int_enc = int_var ^ int_key
    return int_enc.to_bytes(len(var), byteorder)

username2 = encrypt2(b"rator\00\00\00", signature)

cookie2 = login(username2).replace("%2B", "+")

signature2 = base64.b64decode(cookie2 + "==").split(b"--")[1]


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