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How can I create different object types without using switch case?

I've done my first OOP project in Java. It is a project for my university course, it consists in a Logic Circuit Simulator with GUI. It works, but the problem is that the creation of a new different components is done using a switch case and my professor doesn't want me to use it. The code below runs when someone press the "Create" button on the GUI. The type "ComponenteLogico" is a superclass, and the classes "portaAND", "portaOR", "portaNAND" and company are all "ComponenteLogico" subclasses. How could I avoid the switch case? Sorry if I used a bad english

 int inputs=jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex()+2;
        ComponenteLogico comp=null;
        if(jList1.getSelectedValue() == null)
            System.out.println("Nessun componente creato");
        }//nel caso dell'aggiunta di una nuova classe bisogna aggiungere la voce corrispondente nello switch case sottostante
        else switch (jList1.getSelectedValue()) {
            case "AND":
                    comp= new portaAND(inputs);
            case "OR":
                    comp = new portaOR(inputs);
            case "NAND":
                    comp = new portaNAND(inputs);
            case "NOR":
                    comp = new portaNOR(inputs);

You could try something along the lines of the command pattern/factory pattern: have a Map<String, Function<Integer, ComponentLogico>> , populate it somewhere upon program start up (ie in a constructor):

class A {
    private final Map<String, Function<Integer, ComponentLogico>> componentMap;

    public A() {
        componentMap = new HashMap<>();
        // Lambda syntax
        componentMap.put("AND", (inputs) -> new portaAND(inputs));
        componentMap.put("OR", (inputs) -> new portaOR(inputs));
        componentMap.put("NAND", (inputs) -> new portaNAND(inputs));
        componentMap.put("NOR", (inputs) -> new portaNOR(inputs));

        // Or use even more condensed syntax with method references:
        componentMap.put("AND", portaAND::new);
        componentMap.put("OR", portaOR::new);
        componentMap.put("NAND", portaNAND::new);
        componentMap.put("NOR", portaNOR::new);

    public void something() {


        String componentName = jList1.getSelectedValue();
        if (!componentMap.contains(componentName)) {
            // Invalid name (not in map)

        ComponenteLogico comp = componentMap.get(jList1.getSelectedValue()).apply(inputs);




Notice, we effectively store the constructor to each type of ComponenteLogico in a Map , where we can get that constructor by using its name. We can then call this constructor as a Function<int, ComponenteLogico> , which has a method ComponenteLogico apply(int value) .

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