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SQL add all values of a group as a new value

I would like to create from this table:

id att_1
2 G
2 R
1 A
1 B
1 C
3 F

Something like that: (there's also a timestamp column, att_2 column should be organized based on the timestamp, earlier on the left side)

id att_1 att_2
2 G G,R
2 R G,R
1 A A,B,C
1 B A,B,C
1 C A,B,C
3 F F

You can use windows function and make simple query like below:


  string_agg(att_1, ',') over (
    partition by id
  ) as att_2
from  test1

For update statement:

update test2 t2
set att_2 = t.att_2
from (
    string_agg(att_1, ',') over (
      partition by id
    ) as att_2
  from test1
) t
where t.id = t2.id

string_Agg I believe is the fucntion you're looking for. Some systems use List_Agg Just depends on RDMBS... This appears to be Postgresql so I think it's string_agg.

string_agg(Value, deliniator, order by [optional])

SELECT t1.ID, t1.Att_1, t2.Att_2 
FROM tblName t1
INNER JOIN (SELECT ID, STRING_AGG (att_1,',' Order by Att_2) att_2 
            FROM tblName
            GROUP BY ID) t2
 on t2.ID = t1.ID

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