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With Python/pystray, how to maximize a window from the system tray icon by clicking it?

Following this post , I've implemented to minimize the window of a app to system tray.

However, i don't figured out how to restore the window by clicking in the system's tray icon. Only opening the menu and choosing 'show' optin this is possible. Clicking at the icon, a TypeError raises:

File "C:\<path>\pystray\_base.py", line 106, in __call__
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

Any hint for me? Thanks

You need to assign the menu option an instance of pystray.Menu instead of passing a tuple:

from pystray import Menu, MenuItem, Icon
def withdraw_window():  
    image = Image.open("icon.png")
    # create instance of pystray.Menu instead of a tuple
    menu = Menu(
        MenuItem('Quit', quit_window),
        MenuItem('Show', show_window, default=True) # set 'Show' as the default action
    icon = Icon("name", icon=image, title="title", menu=menu)

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