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Rust playground - provide command line argument

I am using the Rust Playground to test a piece of code, sample:

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let query = args.get(1).unwrap();
    // do something ...

Playground link

How do I provide a command-line argument for running a program in Rust Playground? The sample drop-down next to the run button does not have any link or perhaps I am missing it?


You can't, there is an open issue for this feature

As @Stargateur correctly answered, it's currently impossible to provide input for the playground code itself. However, there's a little trick which can work in relatively simple cases: we can execute std::process::Command , which starts bash, which can execute arbitrary code - including cargo .

Here's how it can look like, for example:

// This is your real `fn main`, which would use the input.
// It can contain everything that's usually possible in the playground.
fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
    println!("Args: {:?}", args);

// This is the wrapper-function, directly executed by the playground.
fn main() {
    // We're shelling out to `bash`, to execute `cargo run` with additional config.
    let _ = std::process::Command::new("/bin/bash")
                // In case we have any kind of error, we want to exit loudly.
set -euo pipefail
                // `cargo rustc` allows one to pass additional compiler flags.
                // It's important that this will recompile the current crate only,
                // since, if we had to build the whole dependency tree
                // (which is quite large), playground will inevitably timeout.
cargo rustc -q -- --cfg real_main
                // When building in release mode, replace `target/debug`
                // with `target/release`.
./target/debug/playground arg1 arg2 arg3
                // Finally, we rediirect the stderr of the whole script to stdout,
                // to show it in the playground output.
} 2>&1"##
        // On running `Command::status`, output is piped by default,
        // so it will be shown as usual.

Playground link

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