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How to Parse Kotlin Units with Moshi

I'm using retrofit for web requests and then moshi for JSON parsing,this is api

    suspend fun sendEmail(@Body sendEmailRequest: SendEmailRequest): BaseResponse<Unit>

the BaseResponse

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
open class BaseResponse<T> {

    @Json(name = "code")
    var code: Int? = null

    @Json(name = "message")
    var message: String? = null

    @Json(name = "data")
    var data: T? = null

JSON String

  "code": 200,
  "message": "Some Message",
  "data": null

and error log

2021-11-26 09:59:24.166 14288-14288/com.gow E/FlowKtxKt$next: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create converter for com.gow.base.BaseResponse<kotlin.Unit>
        for method VerifyApi.sendEmail

I tried adding the following, but it didn't work

object UnitConverterFactory : Converter.Factory() {
    override fun responseBodyConverter(
        type: Type, annotations: Array<out Annotation>,
        retrofit: Retrofit
    ): Converter<ResponseBody, *>? {
        return if (type == Unit::class.java) UnitConverter else null

    private object UnitConverter : Converter<ResponseBody, Unit> {
        override fun convert(value: ResponseBody) {

it`s the Moshi bug.

I solved my problem by using Any instead of Unit .

like this:

    suspend fun sendEmail(@Body sendEmailRequest: SendEmailRequest): BaseResponse<Any>

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