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TypeORM QueryBuilder should return most recent inner joined record

I am trying to get most recent transaction by using this query inside my NestJs application

  public findUsersWithRecentTransactions(): Promise<UserEntity[]> {
    return this.createQueryBuilder('users')
      .innerJoinAndSelect('users.transactions', 'transactions')
        '(users.userType = :userTypeParent AND users.registrationStatus = :registrationStatusParent)',
          userTypeParent: UserType.Parent,
          registrationStatusParent: RegistrationStatus.onboarded,
      .orderBy('transactions.created_at', 'DESC').getMany();

This returns an array of transactions sorted by their created_at date in descending order. However, I am trying to get the most recent transaction using the query itself so that I don't have to loop over the entities to get the transaction.

const usersWithTransactions = await this.userRepository.findAllUsersWithTransactions();
    for (const user of usersWithTransactions) {
      const mostRecentTransaction = user?.transactions[0];

Hi you should try limit method.

  public findUsersWithRecentTransactions(): Promise<UserEntity[]> {
    return this.createQueryBuilder('users')
      .innerJoinAndSelect('users.transactions', 'transactions')
        '(users.userType = :userTypeParent AND users.registrationStatus = :registrationStatusParent)',
          userTypeParent: UserType.Parent,
          registrationStatusParent: RegistrationStatus.onboarded,
      .orderBy('transactions.created_at', 'DESC')
      .limit(1) // I include this.

Check this code above. I added '.limit(1)'.

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