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curl to return http code, time response and extract a json value

I'm studying about shell script and I got stuck into a problem.

I have to monitor a API URL that returns to me a response in JSON format. Here's a example of this response:

                "Result": 0,
                "ExecutionTime": 0,
                "Items": [
                        "item1": "x",
                        "item2": x,
                        "item3": x,
                        "item4": x,
                        "genre1": x,
                        "genre2": x,
                        "item5": x,
                        "item6": x,
                        "desc": {
                            "por": {
                                "name": "santa-claus",
                                "item7": "xxxx",

The problem is that I need that the curl command returns to me three params: 1. the "name" (which is in the json response), 2. the http code and 3. the time response. For example, I expect something like this:

santa-claus    #from json extract
200            #http code
347ms          #time response

I'm using shell script, and what I have now is this curl command:

curl -X "GET" -w "%{http_code}\n" "https://my-api-url-here&compress=true" | jq -r '.Items[] | .descs.por.name'`

This is returning to me this error:

curl: (3) <url> malformed
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index number with string "Items"

The "jq" part is correct, if I do this curl without "-w "%{http_code}\n"", everything is ok. But I need that three responses, as I said... about time response, I read something about "%{time_starttransfer}", but I don't know how to apply this in my curl command...

Is that a way to do this?

You can have curl output a custom JSON object which jq can then parse as well. (The values http_code and time_total take should be safe for this kind of interpolation.)

curl -X "GET" -w '{"code": "%{http_code}", "time": "%{time_total}"}' "https://my-api-url-here&compress=true" |
  jq -sr '.[0].Items[] | .descs.por.name, .[1].code, .[1].time'

The block output by -w will follow the body of the request as a separate object. The -s option reads both objects into a single array, which your filter than then index as necessary.

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