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tkinter window not showing

i am making a spam bot to annoy my friends but when i run the code the Tkinter window does not show up. it works with a variable called click_var . when you press a button the code sends a signal to start clicking. can someone help me?

import pyautogui 
from time import sleep
from tkinter import *

def clicker():
    global click_var 
    global click_text_var
    click_var = 0   
    #if click_var = 0: clicker is off
    #if click_var = 1: clicker is on
    if click_var == 0:
        click_var =+ 1
        click_text_var = 'stop' 

    elif click_var == 1:
        click_text_var = "start"
        click_var =- 1
        print('error1: clickvar not 0/1')

click_text_var = 'start'
click_var = 1
name=Label(window, text="spammer 3000", fg='black', font=("Helvetica", 30))
name.place(x=10, y=10)

clickerbtn=Button(window, text=click_text_var + " clicker", bg='grey', command=clicker)
clickerbtn.place(x=10, y=100)

window.title('the spammer 3000')
while click_var == 1:
if click_var == 0:
    something =+ 1
if click_var < 0:
    print('error1: clickvar not 0/1')
if click_var > 1:
    print('error1: clickvar not 0/1')

you probably just need to add the brackets to the mainloop function window.mainloop()

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