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Object in 100 m distance, Error: Operation on mixed SRID geometries

I perform the following query:

SELECT * FROM "houses" WHERE (ST_Distance(coordinates, 'POINT(-0.374930 39.478400)'::geometry) < 100)

To find houses around 100 meter distance from: 39.478400, -0.374930

I'm getting the following error:

PG::InternalError: ERROR: Operation on mixed SRID geometries

What is wrong here?

"Coordinates" is of type: geometry "coordinates", limit: {:srid=>4326, :type=>"geometry"}

Thank you and Happy Christmas

The geometry literal 'POINT(-0.374930 39.478400)'::geometry has no SRID while the geometries in houses.coordinates have an SRID of 4326 . You need to pass a geometry with the same SRID, ie using ST_GeomFromText :

WHERE ST_Distance(coordinates, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-0.374930 39.478400)', 4326)) < 100

But keep in mind, that the distance is returned in units of the SRID, which are degrees for SRID 4326 not meters . To retrieve the distance in meters you could use ST_DistanceSphere .

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